Fara í efni

Facts about Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence

Women are most likely to experience sexual and gender-based harassment and violence. Three social groups are most vulnerable to harassment and violence: women of foreign origin, disabled women, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Power Dynamics

Those who perpetrate sexual or gender-based harassment often hold more power in the workplace than the victim, and perpetrators are often older than the victims. Perpetrators often have certain privileges and powers, while victims are more likely to be marginalized and in less powerful positions.

From the research Áfallasaga kvenna 2022

34% of women have experienced sexual harassment or violence in the workplace during their career. 8% of women at their current workplace.

Certain professions are at higher risk than others:

  • Travel services
  • Legal and security services
  • Production and maintenance services
  • Women in the public domain – arts, music, journalism, and politics

Working hours have an impact. Women in shift work, with irregular and long working hours, are more vulnerable. There, women are more likely to be alone with perpetrators and therefore have no witnesses. See more here and here.

From the research Valdbeiting á vinnustað 2020

25% of women and 7% of men have experienced sexual harassment during their career. The most common perpetrators were male: male colleagues (49%), male supervisors (32%), and male customers or clients (27%). Disabled individuals are more likely to experience violence, compared to non-disabled individuals, 21% versus 15%. See more here.

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